Sunday, May 4, 2014

Another New Beginning...

Not long ago, I read a quote from a friend’s status on Facebook which said something to the effect that, life always gives us a second chance and it’s called tomorrow. This truism, like many of its kind, often carries some element of truth but not in its entirety. For one, no one knows tomorrow and to quote John Legend in the song Heard ‘em Say, “nothing’s ever promised tomorrow, today”  and so if there is any decision to be made or action to be taken, it must be done on time because no one is guaranteed life or health or what have you tomorrow. Today may very well be your last opportunity.

However, the purpose of this post is not to critique an anonymous quote. My aim is to celebrate another new beginning that has been afforded me today. A “second chance” of sorts, if you will. Exactly a year ago, I embarked on a new career endeavor with high hopes of excelling in it but unfortunately, that hope was short lived as I had to exit that path sooner than I had anticipated.

As daunting as that decision was, my real apprehension was how I was going to survive my self-imposed joblessness especially when my closest friends and confidants prudently advised against it, suggesting more reasonable ways of going about my intended action. Indeed, it was their many wise counsel and realistic prognosis that rendered the decision even more daunting because I knew they were right and that hardship was inevitable. Yet I persisted.

Living with the consequences of that decision hasn’t proved easy at all. These past few months have been fraught with mixed emotions often bordering on the extremes of intense anguish and wallowing in self-pity yet it has been somewhat bearable through the encouragement of my friends. The Teacher was spot on when he observed that, “Two are better than one, because…if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up” (Eccl.4:9-10ESV). I should know because I have experienced it and so I’m very grateful to the few people I call friends who have stuck by me in my trying times.

 I am also grateful for the new people I’ll be working with. These guys exude such positive confidence and have such high expectations that one cannot be around them and not aspire to be successful because their enthusiasm is so infectious, plus they are incredibly young! They are like the sort of young and talented high achievers you only see on TV at award ceremonies or in magazines but somehow never get to meet in real life and so it’s such a joy and a privilege to know I’m going to be in such fine company!

One thing is clear in my mind. It is that I’ll never be the same again. Yet I look enthusiastically to tomorrow through the lens of daring hope with the implicit conviction that the best is yet to come.

So help me God!!!

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