I was hoping to break my unplanned
hiatus of about a year with a more sanguine post than this but I fear that was
not meant to be for I’ve been jolted out of my silence by a growing canker
among Evangelicals which ought to alarm any conscientious believer but alas,
its infusion has been so subtle that it has crept in amongst us unawares! What I
speak of is the increasing belief that the Bible alone is not sufficient for
the Christian life.
I used to read about the spread
of this belief from noted Christian authors and bloggers in the West which left
in me the impression(and a false one at that in hindsight) that such phenomenon
was way too far away--in fact near impossible--to occur among Evangelicals of
my own home country where I assumed believers were of a more fervent sort than
in the West. But how mistaken I have been; for my recent encounters with some
believers of a certain theological persuasion has jerked me to the harsh
realization that this incident is in fact too close to home than I had
initially assumed.
You may find this hard to
believe but it’s an unfortunate reality today. Of course, most Evangelicals would
dare not admit it in such outright terms but often, their actions and
utterances belie their profession. I cite one zealous young man in a recent discourse
who asserted, “…if all I know about God
is what I read in the bible sorry that won’t be enough for me.” In other words
the Bible is insufficient hence he needs something more. And right there is the problem.
With this underlying belief of
insufficiency, many like him have suggested we need the arts i.e. books,
paintings, music, videos, choreography and what have you to make up for our Christian
experience. Others still think we need visions and dreams and ‘still small voices’
to supplement the scriptures. This stance is most unfortunate indeed for when
God, in his divine wisdom, has given us all we’ll ever need in his written
word(which is a closed canon) and has further given us of his Holy Spirit to
illumine and guide our hearts to the truth contained therein and to ever lead
us on in our pilgrimage, we’re still craving something more. This in my view unwittingly
depicts our gross incredulity at his unfailing promises.
Oh how pitiable when men think
they know better than the Almighty himself and have gone in search of strange
voices, working up emotions into a frenzy in their meetings all in the name of
God. They whip up sentiments to numb their sober minds into self-inflicted
delusions and hallucinations, receiving revelations whose origins are thought
to be celestial beings garbed in bright shiny garments like in many a children’s
fairytales. Bingo, they’ve seen angels! Surely it must be, they insist!
Oh puny man, when will you
learn that the scriptures are sufficient in and of itself and that all we’ll
ever need on this side of eternity are recorded therein and that we’re only to
heed those ancient words and live?
Oh puny man in search of sensual
experiences and gratifications, when will you learn that the path you thread is
a slippery slope into an endless abyss of folly, doom, and despair? Oh puny
man, won’t you heed the ever true and unfailing words of scripture alone and
May be it’s time our pastors
and teachers started shouting themselves hoarse in the congregation with ‘Sola
Scriptura! Sola Scriptura!!’ but regrettably that won’t be, for they are the chief
source of this canker! Nevertheless, we need to work harder at instilling the
absolute certainty of the authority and finality of scripture alone as the only
rule and guide to the Christian life!
As for me, my motto is Sola Scriptura…Always! May God
have mercy on us all!